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At J. Joseph, we have experts with decades of experience dedicated to handling the unique issues and complexities surrounding ad valorem taxation. Combining appraisal, accounting, and engineering disciplines, we conduct an exhaustive analysis of your property and circumstances to work toward minimizing your tax liability.

• Research and identify your property tax liabilities, using our proven Trendulation™
• Receive clarity of your data while uncovering pre-qualifying savings opportunities.
• Challenge Tax Assessment Valuations
• Cost Doesn't Equal Value
• Site Selection Tax Analysis
• Abatements/Incentive

J. Joseph 360° | Thought Leadership
18 Questions Your Property Tax Consultant Must Be Asking To Ensure Your Best Results.

We understand you may currently have representation when it comes to the management of your property tax liabilities or you may be managing them yourself.

As we continue to set ourselves apart from other property tax consulting firms, we want to give you a FREE PDF that consists of 18 questions we believe every property tax consultant must be asking, to ensure your success.

At J. Joseph, it’s not just about metrics and savings; it’s about relationships.

I wanted to be the first one to introduce myself and give you a little background on how and why I created J. Joseph. My journey into the property tax world began in 1998. As I learned the ins and outs of the business, it became apparent that there were many stones unturned in the marketplace – both financial and relational. I knew there had to be a better way of not only identifying overlooked savings, but creating an organization more focused on superior client service and building relational equity with our clients and partners.